Are you looking for English courses or a language stay for young people in the United States? Receive free expert advice ✓Prices ✓Dates (summer/winter) ✓Prerequisites ✓Accommodation (optional). You will be able to see some of the available options here, but contact us so that we can send you more complete information, including program prices.

Where to go on an English language stay for young people in the United States?

Apart from the programs described below on this page, we can advise you for other options. Indeed, we also have agreements with English schools that offer summer and winter language camps in the following American cities:

English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in Los Angeles
English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in Los Angeles
English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in Miami
English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in Miami
English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in New York
English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in New York
English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in San Diego
English Courses and Camps for Kids/Teens in San Diego


Language camp to learn English in the United States (Boston, Los Angeles or San Francisco)

These English language courses in the United States are for children and teenagers from 7 to 17 years old. They have been around since 1993, when an English school based in Vancouver, Canada, began organizing them. She then developed language camps for young people in other Canadian cities. And finally, with the success that these summer camps have experienced, it now also offers them in the United States. Today they exist in Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The language school offers this language stay opportunity for young people in the United States from the end of June until the beginning of August*. The minimum duration is one week and the maximum duration 5 weeks (6 in Los Angeles). More than 2,500 participants come every year from a wide variety of countries from all continents. And they are warmly welcomed with the guarantee of having fun and receiving top-quality teaching. The philosophy of these language summer camps in the United States is above all to assimilate the English language. And this is done through inter-cultural exchange, and the development of trust and curiosity.

*If you are looking for a winter language camp, the English schools we work with in Miami and San Diego, and also in Canada, offer one.

Dates and prices

English course for young people in the United States Language holiday camp in the United States to learn English

Organization of English courses for children and teenagers in the United States

English language camps in the United States accept youth between the age of 7 and 17. However, not all ages are mixed because there are two separate groups:

  • A group for children from 7 to 12 years old. Language summer camps for this age group aim to learn, explore and succeed. This is done through the inspiration and guidance of insightful and loving instructors.
  • A group for teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. The goal for this age group is to assimilate new skills, develop existing skills, and discover new talents. Through this program teenagers will gain self-confidence and a sense of responsibility. They will also learn to communicate in a multi-cultural atmosphere and will be encouraged to work as a team and put themselves forward. And of course, they will improve their fluency and written expression in English (oriented towards academic).

The use of English is mandatory for the duration of the language stay for young people in the United States. But in case of emergency they can of course speak in their native language, and there are always multilingual employees. In addition, the latter are used to keeping busy and teaching absolute beginners in English. For English lessons, children and teenagers are placed in groups that correspond to their level and age. And for the activities the groups are done according to age and gender.

What is the language stay for young people in the United States?

This is a complete language summer camp as it includes the following:

  • 20 English lessons of 45 minutes per week (15 hours in total)
  • Sports and creative, cultural and adventure activities
  • Excursions (one full day each week and two half-days)
  • Continuous supervision (24 hours a day)
  • Medical insurance
  • Accommodation in a student residence*
  • Transfer from the nearest international airport (round trip)
  • Clothing washing service

*It is also possible to participate in the day language camp, i.e. without accommodation. This option is ideal for children and teenagers who are travelling with their parents or who have friends to stay with. The daytime language holiday camp in the United States includes only English classes for children and teenagers and activities. It runs from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Saturday. Except on Thursdays because the young people participate in an excursion all day and therefore return later (around 9pm).

On Sundays, each language camp offers optional activities (for an additional cost). The activity can be for example riding a horse, attending a professional sporting event, going to an amusement park, etc. And there is always a free activity organized on the same day.

Description of English Language Camp Facilities in the United States:

In Boston, the summer language camp takes place on the campus of Curry College. It is a very safe and wooded campus of 55 hectares located 11 kilometers from the center of the city. In addition, it is located next to the Blue Hills Nature Reserve. It offers impressive views and a wide variety of outdoor recreational activities. The residence for young foreigners is organized in apartments with 6 single and double bedrooms. And each has two bathrooms, a kitchen and a common area.

In Los Angeles, the language summer camp for young people takes place on the campus of UCLA (University of California Los Angeles). It is located in a residential area of Westwood, close to Bel-Air, Beverly Hills and Brentwood. There are up to three beds in each room and children and teenagers share the bathrooms. Youth have access to most of UCLA’s facilities, including the swimming pool, computer rooms, and sports and recreational facilities.

In San Francisco the language summer camp takes place on the modern, clean and safe campus of San Jose University. This location gives easy access to all the attractions of Silicon Valley and San Francisco. Participants sleep in triple rooms and share bathrooms.

In each destination, the camp provides sheets and accommodates young people on different floors depending on their gender and age.

Dates and prices

Summer camp with English courses for young people in the United States

Frequently asked questions about the language stay for young people in the United States

In which case does the camp contact parents during the English language stay for young people in the United States?

The language school will contact parents (or legal guardians) if they have any questions about medication or their child’s general health or if the child:

  • Gets sick or has a fever (over 100°F or 37.8°C)
  • Injured and needs medical treatment from the language camp’s health assistant
  • Must receive medical treatment off campus
  • Feels a deep nostalgia
  • Received three disciplinary warnings
  • Is unable to behave in a healthy/positive manner within the language camp community

How can parents contact their child during the language summer camp in the United States?

Parents will be able to send an email or fax to the coordinator of the language camp where their child is located. The coordinator will print it out and give it to the child the next morning. It is possible to call the camp, but most of the time the young people are not near the office where the phone is. Therefore it will only be possible to transmit the message of the call.

When can children and teenagers call their parents?

Youth can call home using public telephones found in residences. Although they can call any day, they are encouraged to call only once a week. If they do not call their parents during the week, employees will make sure they do so on Sundays. Experience proves that frequent calls can cause nostalgia and prevent integration into camp life and the development of friendships. The language academy therefore recommends that young people write emails or letters to their families.

What is included in the weekly excursions that complement English classes for children and teenagers in the United States?

Each language camp in the United States offers a full-day para-week excursion in addition to English classes for young people. Transportation and admission to the place of main interest are included. Those who wish to visit other places during the excursion will have to pay the corresponding admission.

What kind of supervision is there on campus and during excursions?

Children from 7 to 12 years old are in groups of up to 8 individuals. For adolescents aged 13 to 17, the groups are larger (approximately 15 individuals). A supervisor takes care of each group during meals, activities, excursions, when waking up and when going to sleep. And during English lessons for children and teenagers in the United States, teachers take care of the supervision. There are also additional employees who work as an instructor during the activities. All employees are present during meals.

What do young people do in the evening?

The language camp for children and teens in the United States organizes various exciting activities every night. These are sometimes activities in which everyone participates, in order to mix all the participants of the linguistic colony. And other times they are activities of smaller and more intimate groups, in order to facilitate the development of friendships. Activities include: talent contests, cultural exchanges, sports and games, arts and crafts, film night, cooking classes, etc.

From time to time, the cultural program includes off-campus activities or free time. This makes it possible to discover new places and make new friends. These activities can be for example: going to a café, to the cinema, to a party (on campus itself), carnival nights, swimming, etc.

How much pocket money should parents give their children for their language stay in the United States and how can they keep it safe?

The price of the English language camp in the United States includes all meals and activities. So the only reason the child may need extra money is to participate in the optional activities. Or also if he wants to buy snacks, souvenirs or gifts. Optional activities cost between $5 and $100, but the majority cost around $50. They take place one evening and one day a week and there is always a cost-free alternative. The amount that parents give to their child is of course at their sole discretion. Normally an amount of 60-100 USD per week is recommended if they plan to participate in the optional activities. And more if they want to be able to buy things during the excursions.

The child will be able to give his pocket money to an employee of the language camp on the first day so that he can be kept safe in the offices. And on the last day he will be given a paper documenting his withdrawals and the final balance.

What happens if the child/teen falls ill during the Youth English Language Stay in the United States?

All supervisors are trained in first aid. And there is a nurse in each center to take care of young people who get sick and cannot participate in the activities. In addition, there is always an emergency medical center not too far from campus.

How does it work in terms of cleanliness?

Children/teens are expected to keep their rooms clean and organized, and there are frequent inspections. They will also be shown how to bring back their cutlery after each meal. The cleaning staff cleans the bathrooms and toilets daily and the rooms meticulously once a week.

What laundry service do young people receive during their English language camp in the United States?

The language academy provides each child/teen with a bag for dirty laundry and an external company washes them once a week. They can also use washing machines (which work with parts) to do it themselves if they prefer. In the latter case they must bring or buy their own laundry.

When can parents see their child if they come to visit them?

Parental visits take place on Sundays. It is possible to sign an exit permit between 1pm and 9pm if parents want to take their child out of camp.

How is the reception at the airport?

An employee of the English language camp will be waiting for children and teenagers arriving from various destinations. He will be dressed in a camp t-shirt and will hold a sign with the name of the school. It will therefore be very easy for the young person to identify the person responsible for receiving it. Parents will receive all the details regarding the reception at the airport in the welcome letter once the registration is confirmed.

What is the mix of nationalities at Children’s and Teens’ English Camps in the United States?

The English school promotes these summer language camps in the United States around the world. Children and adolescents (individual or group) from a wide variety of countries participate every year. And because of the economic and political circumstances of some countries, it is impossible to predict exactly which countries the participants will come from each year. However, the language academy always does its best to diversify nationalities as much as possible.

Do young people always share their room with someone of a different nationality?

The organizers of these English language summer camps in the United States are doing everything possible to promote racial integration at all levels. So they always try to place children and teenagers in rooms where nationalities are mixed. However, it is not possible to guarantee it 100% because it is not always feasible. Indeed, the rooms are assigned by age and gender, and sometimes the number of participants from a certain country is odd.

Can young people bring their mobile phones to summer language camps?

The school does not recommend bringing personal devices. First, they are valuables that young people can easily lose. And on the other hand, they can create distractions during the hours in the residences and represent a barrier to interaction with other youth and supervisors.

But young people can bring a mobile phone for the purpose of contacting their family, taking pictures, or connecting with their new friends on social media. Upon arrival, the school labels all phones with the child’s name and room number. They can take their phone with them during daily activities. But they have to leave the larger devices (tablets or laptops) in the rooms.

During English classes they will have to place their phone in a box. Indeed, the goal is that they participate as much as possible in the lessons without any distractions. However, the teacher may allow the use of telephones to answer online questionnaires or to do activities in teams.

During lunch and dinner hours, each group supervisor has a box where everyone (youth and employees) must drop off their phone before sitting down. This promotes interaction and prevents young people from entertaining themselves with games. Breakfast is the time when they can send messages to their family (for time zone differences).

Nightly phone collection option:

There have been problems in the past with participants using their device late at night. And this influenced the quantity and quality of sleep during the English language stay for young people in the United States. The result was that they were obviously tired the next day during Activities and English classes for children and teenagers in the United States. To avoid this, parents can encourage their child to opt for nightly collection of their device. You can choose this option at the time of registration for the English language camp or later by sending an email to the director of the center.

Those who do not choose this option will need to have their electronic devices turned off at 10:30pm. If they continue to use them after this time, the principal may consider confiscating them each night to ensure that the child has quality sleep.

Dates and prices

Sites of interest